One year of UI Design – Day 7

April 9, 2014

The other day I was thinking, since I spend so much time in Starbucks it would be nice to design an app for them. The next step was to consider what part of getting a coffee at Starbucks could be improved.

I recalled my own experience and realised that there is a lot of waiting involved before you get your coffee. First you have to wait in line to place your order, then you’re in line for paying and at last you’re in line to wait for your coffee. All together, that can quickly be five minutes of waiting. Five minutes of waiting might not sound much, but if you go there regularly it’s quite a lot. Say you’re going to Starbucks twice a week, that can be already 40 minutes per month of just waiting.

Wouldn’t it be nice to already order your coffee when you walk to your local coffee place and have it waiting for you when you arrive? That shouldn’t be too hard I think. The app I have in mind provides that solution. It involves four simple steps:

  1. Choose your location: nearest location automatically selected
  2. Choose your drink: you can have favourites and drinks are ordered based on last chosen
  3. Choose your size: Tall, Grande or Venti
  4. Pay for your coffee: in-app purchase, creditcard, paypal

You order, you pay and by the time you arrive the cup of coffee is waiting for you. Keep it simple and save some time, else wasted on waiting. I did some research at Dribbble to see if there was already something like this. Most app ideas I found only provided the paying-part and not the complete process of ordering. I used the designs at Dribbble as inspiration and made a sketch of how the interface might look like.


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